What is Quant?

QuantCDN is an all-in-one static web and Jamstack solution.

Generate and serve a static representation of your existing website from our global edge network instead of routing through expensive backend infrastructure, CMS applications and databases.

Use our turnkey CMS plugins to automatically track and push content when it changes.

Integrate seamlessly with popular static site generators and the Jamstack ecosystem.

Why switch to static web?

Your Website

Quant plugin

Static Website

Fast-track your move to Static Web with QuantCDN

Piggy bank


Fewer moving parts means lower hosting cost

Shield with a tick to indicate security


Leaner, static file serving means reduced attack surface and improved security

Speedometer to represent speed


Fewer moving parts means faster website responsiveness

Cloud with nodes to represent cloud computing

More Scalable

Static files and less moving parts means you can scale with ease to meet peak demand.

Globe icon

Global Content Delivery Network

Global network of servers deliver your content locally to your customers with higher redundancy and lower latency.

Thumbs up

Simple setup—keep your website

One click setup. From there, any changes made to your website are automatically converted and hosted as Static Web content by QuantCDN.


Self service

Full control of your static projects. Manage content, domains, teams and much more

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A climber pressing a flag into the ground like they have reached the summit of a mountain

Set up your site in five minutes

30 day free trial, no credit card required.

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