February 2023: New Features & Updates – Quant Changelog
Quant Changelog for February 2023: Check out our latest features and updates for the Quant platform, integrations, documentation, and blogs.
Hope you’ve had a great February so far! Here’s what’s been going on at Quant over the past month.
Quant Dashboard
- Minor maintenance, improvements, UX, and bug fixes.
CLI (repo)
- Minor maintenance and bug fixes.
QuantCDN Deploy Action (repo)
- No updates in February 2023.
QuantCDN Purge Action (repo)
- No updates in February 2023.
QuantCDN Search Action (repo)
- No updates in February 2023.
QuantAPI Golang Client (repo)
- No updates in February 2023.
QuantCDN Terraform Provider (repo)
- No updates in February 2023.
Quant Drupal Integration (repo) (drupal.org)
Drupal 9
- Added support for files (with wildcard).
- Added search option for the number of results per page.
- Minor improvements, DX, and bug fixes
Drupal 7
- Added XPath Follow Links functionality.
- Added XML sitemap stylesheet seeding.
- Minor improvement, typo, DX, UX, and bug fixes.
Quant Tag Observer Module (repo)
- New! Tracks tags per URL in a table for static processing.
Quant Trigger Module (repo)
- Minor DX and bug fixes.
Quant WordPress Integration (repo) (wordpress.org)
- No updates in February 2023.
Documentation and Examples
- No updates in February 2023.
Quant Examples
- QuantCDN Gatsby Actions Example (repo)
- No updates in February 2023.
- QuantCDN Jekyll Circle Example (repo)
- No updates in February 2023.
- QuantCDN VuePress Example (repo)
- No updates in February 2023.
Insights, Blogs and Case Studies
- Introducing the Quant Web Application Firewall (WAF)
- What is a WAF (Web Application Firewall)? Explained in simple terms!
- January 2023: New Features & Updates – Quant Changelog
About QuantCDN
Quant is a global static edge; a CDN combined with static web hosting. We provide solutions to help make WordPress and Drupal sites static, as well as support for all popular static site generators.