Graphic design of river flowing through a maze in pinks and oranges

Hope you’ve had a great March! Here’s some of what’s been going on at Quant over the past month. It's been somewhat quiet in these updates lately because we're working on some exciting things behind the scenes that will be released in the coming months. Stay tuned!



Quant Dashboard

  • Enabled HTTP3 for all projects.
  • Added UI for changing shield region.
  • Added support for stripping headers from proxy requests.
  • Added support for multiple URLs in rules and URLs to start with an asterisk.
  • Added support for running edge functions via rules.
  • Improved ability to create new edge functions and new validators.
  • Minor maintenance and bug fixes.

CLI (repo)

  • Release 3.0.0.
  • Added publish command.
  • Minor maintenance and bug fixes.



  • QuantCDN Cloud Initialization Action (repo)
    • No updates in March 2024.
  • QuantCDN Deploy Action (repo)
    • No updates in March 2024.
  • QuantCDN Purge Action (repo)
    • No updates in March 2024.
  • QuantCDN Search Action (repo)
    • No updates in March 2024.


  • QuantAPI Golang Client (repo)
    • No updates in March 2024.
  • QuantCDN Helm Charts (repo)
    • No updates in March 2024.
  • QuantCDN Terraform Provider (repo)
    • No updates in March 2024.


Quant Drupal Integration (repo) (

  • Drupal 9/10
    • Minor maintenance.
  • Drupal 7
    • Updated logic to handle deleting files, terms, redirects, and views.
    • Updated logic to handle image styles when images are deleted.
  • Additional Modules
    • Quant Tag Observer Module (repo)
      • No updates in March 2024.
    • Quant Trigger Module (repo)
      • No updates in March 2024.

Quant WordPress Integration (repo) (

  • No updates in March 2024.


Documentation and Examples

Quant Docs Site (repo) (site)

  • No updates in March 2024.

Quant Examples

  • QuantCDN Gatsby Actions Example (repo)
    • No updates in March 2024.
  • QuantCDN Jekyll Circle Example (repo)
    • No updates in March 2024.
  • QuantCDN VuePress Example (repo)
    • No updates in March 2024.

Insights, Blogs and Case Studies

About QuantCDN

Quant is a global static edge; a CDN & WAF combined with static web hosting. We provide solutions to help make WordPress and Drupal sites static, as well as support for all popular static site generators.