Check out our new Drupal 9 Umami demo showing a static version of a Drupal Umami site hosted on Quant!

Drupal Umami Demo home page hosted on Quant static hosting

Umami source content

The Drupal Umami project started in 2017 as part of the Drupal core Out of the box initiative. with the goal of creating a more robust and realistic demo site for people evaluating Drupal. It started in the contributed projects space as the Umami theme and Umami profile along with other sandboxed projects. It was added as an experimental Drupal 8 profile in 2018. The Umami demo is a pretty common site profile people use when playing around with or testing with Drupal. For example, has a button to spin up an Umami demo site and also lets you choose the Umami profile when testing Drupal patches which is helpful when you need demo content and site navigation.

Drupal Umami Demo articles page hosted on Quant static hosting

Umami Demo Lighthouse Scores

The Drupal Umami was built with accessibility in mind so we ran the Chrome Dev Tools Lighthouse tool against the three top pages and it’s looking pretty good. All three pages got the same scores: 100 (Performance), 100 (Accessibility), 100 (Best Practices), and 82 (SEO). They just need a bit of SEO love. It would be cool to have all 100s! Maybe the Drupal community is already working on this :)

Drupal Umami Demo home page Lighthouse scorews

Drupal Umami Resources

Drupal Umami Demo recipes page hosted on Quant static hosting

About QuantCDN

Quant is a global static edge; a CDN combined with static web hosting. We provide solutions to help make WordPress and Drupal sites static, as well as support for all popular static site generators.