Hope you’ve had a great February so far! Here’s what’s been going on at Quant over the past month.



Quant Dashboard

  • Minor maintenance and bug fixes.

Quant CLI (repo)

  • Releases: 1.3.0, 1.3.1
  • Added crawl command.
  • Added support for argv config.
  • Improved README documentation.
  • Minor maintenance, test, DX, and bug fixes.


Quant Actions

  • New! QuantCDN Deploy Action (repo)


Quant Drupal Integration (repo) (drupal.org)

Drupal 9

  • Added API version to endpoint.
  • Added node terms and search records.
  • Improved token configuration.
  • Updated queues to use ids.
  • Changed author to author_name.
  • Minor maintenance, code standards, and bug fixes.

Drupal 7

  • No updates in February 2021.

Quant WordPress Integration (repo) (wordpress.org)

  • No updates in February 2021.

Documentation and Examples

Quant Docs Site (repo) (site)

  • No updates in February 2021.

Quant Examples

  • New! QuantCDN Gatsby Actions Example (repo)
  • New! QuantCDN Jekyll Circle Example (repo)

Insights, Blogs and Case Studies

About QuantCDN

Quant is a global static edge; a CDN combined with static web hosting. We provide solutions to help make WordPress and Drupal sites static, as well as support for all popular static site generators.