Insights, blogs and case studies.
Quant Changelog for November 2021: Check out our latest features and updates for the Quant platform, integrations, documentation, and blogs.
The Alert editor feature in the Quant Dashboard lets you create a sitewide alert that is displayed on each page of your website. You can add CSS to style it to match your website.
Quant Changelog for October 2021: Check out our latest features and updates for the Quant platform, integrations, documentation, and blogs.
Quant is speaking in November at DrupalSouth Shorts 2021! Join us to learn about Geoscience Australia’s Digital Earth Australia (DEA) pilot project, a component-based digital platform built on Quant, Drupal 9, GovCMS PaaS, and more.
Quant Changelog for September 2021: Check out our latest features and updates for the Quant platform, integrations, documentation, and blogs.
Quant is excited to be speaking in October at DrupalCon Europe 2021 about Geoscience Australia’s pilot project that leverages Quant, Drupal 9, NuxtJS, Vue.js, and GovCMS PaaS for a robust and flexible digital platform for their government programs.
Quant Changelog for August 2021: Check out our latest features and updates for the Quant platform, integrations, documentation, and blogs.
One small but mighty feature we recently added to the Dashboard is self-serve cache purging. It’s now easy to clear the cache for a particular page, for a subset of your site, or for everything!
Quant Changelog for July 2021: Check out our latest features and updates for the Quant platform, integrations, documentation, and blogs.
You can make your Drupal website static! QuantCDN’s Drupal module is available for Drupal 7, Drupal 8 & Drupal 9 and allows you to fast-track your move to the Static Web using our seamless integrations.
The Alert editor feature in the Quant Dashboard lets you create a sitewide alert that is displayed on each page of your website. Alerts are great for news, announcements, and other time-sensitive information.
Quant Changelog for June 2021: Check out our latest features and updates for the Quant platform, integrations, documentation, and blogs.
QuantCDN was selected to build the Drupal Steward product for the Drupal Association. Drupal Steward provides preemptive protection for your Drupal sites for additional peace of mind.
Quant Changelog for May 2021: Check out our latest features and updates for the Quant platform, integrations, documentation, and blogs.
The Quant CLI crawler is a handy tool that lets you easily copy a website and get it into Quant’s static website hosting.
Quant Search provides an easy way to add faceted Algolia search to your static websites. This step-by-step guide shows you how to add Quant Search to a static version of your site for the best of static and search.
Quant Changelog for April 2021: Check out our latest features and updates for the Quant platform, integrations, documentation, and blogs.
Yahoo! Answers has been a staple of the internet for decades. On May 4th 2021, the popular site was shut down forever, taking 80+ million pages off the internet in the process. Quant attempted to take a full snapshot before that happened.
Quant Changelog for March 2021: Check out our latest features and updates for the Quant platform, integrations, documentation, and blogs.
A dive into deploying your application with GitHub actions using the QuantCDN deploy action.